Wardrobe Styling/Closet Purge

Once Candace understands your goals, she will help you eliminate ill-fitting and outdated garments in your wardrobe that do not go with your desired appearance, and identify the clothing that still works.

Discover your wow colors and talking about dressing your shape will be first and foremost.

  1. Can take up to 1.5-3.5 or more hours, according to the size of your closet and the possibility of putting together several outfits from your closet you have now.
  2. You don’t need to do anything before the closet purge. I can show up and do my job no matter what situation your closet and wardrobe are in at the time.

In addition to streamlining the closet during this process, a garment audit is completed with a wardrobe checklist. The checklist takes inventory of the basic pieces in your closet and identifies gaps to fill. It outlines future clothing purchases that are necessary to build a balanced, complete clothing arsenal. Ultimately, the closet cleanse kick starts your style metamorphosis!

You can also have closet organization. You’ll have fully accessorized outfits that have been expertly selected and styled by Candace specifically for you from your existing wardrobe and new purchases from mine or our Shopping Sessions.

For each look Candace creates for you Candace takes a photo so you won’t forget the combination. She then can email you the photos or make you a physical LookBook with individual descriptions for each outfit.

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